Appliance Install

You’re ready.
Your home isn’t.
Adding new appliances like EV chargers, heat pumps, and induction stoves often triggers costly electrical utility upgrades. SPAN automatically balances your electricity use, making it easy to add major appliances at any time by avoiding this costly inconvenience.

Costly electrical utility upgrades

Electrical utility upgrades are when your service provider increases your home’s connection to the electrical grid. It’s estimated that 17-20M homes in America will need an electrical utility upgrade to support major appliance additions (EPRI). Electrical utility upgrades come at a huge cost and inconvenience to homeowners.
Avg. cost for electrical utility upgrade (EIA)
3-9 months
Avg. wait time for electrical utility upgrade. (NV5)

Skip the hassle & cost

SPAN Panel’s integrated PowerUp technology allows homes to add major appliances while maintaining their current connection to the electrical grid— no electrical utility upgrade required.

SPAN takes care of it

In the rare cases you’re using multiple appliances that consume a lot of power at once, SPAN PowerUp automatically manages the appliances in your home and keeps the power on where it’s needed most.

Peace of

You’re in control of PowerUp with the ability to pre-set what individual circuits and appliances are managed.

Add major appliances right the first time

Old Panel
SPAN Panel
Initial Costs
$2 - $4K
$3,500 + install
extra costs
$3 - $20K
2 - 9 months
Same day
Repeat electrical work
Ongoing flexibility

SPAN is the unrivaled leader in electrical safety, meeting the rigorous requirements for a Power Control System (UL 1741 PCS).

SPAN is NEMA 3R rated for indoor and outdoor placement, ensuring cost-effective installs regardless of your battery location.

Powerful integrations with companies like Mitsubishi Electric for greater installation
flexibility of major appliances.

your power

  • Whole-home energy data, down to the room & appliance level

  • Cost-saving energy insights

  • Seamless electrical upgrades as your home evolves

  • Category-leading safety features

Appliances you want, with the wires you have

Appliances you want, with the wires you have
Get started